What Advice Do You Have for Women in Their 20s?

Sharing My Thoughts for Women in Their 20s

Listen: 20 Something - SZA

How could it be? 20 something

All alone still, not a thing in my name

Ain't got nothin', runnin' from love

Only know fear

That's me, Ms. 20 Something

Ain't got nothin', runnin' from love

Wish you were here, oh

Stuck in them 20 somethings, stuck in them 20 somethings

Good luck on them 20 somethings, good luck on them 20 somethings

God bless these 20 somethings

Queue SZA’s 20 something. Art and culture have been moved by the themes of youth and femininity. There’s an appeal to being a young woman that I have come to understand but being one is far more difficult to experience. Perhaps I’ll overcome my youth when I grasp this phase.

If I were to share some of my wisdom, I’d tell my 20-year old self the following.

KG Version

You’re going to make mistakes. Forgive yourself. As Jackie says, it’s not L for losses but lessons.

From being in the wrong job to falling in love with a person who doesn’t deserve you, mistakes will be a part of your journey, but once you’re done and ready to move on, forgive yourself first. Judgements will surround you, and you will want to prove the world that your thoughts, your emotions, and that you, are valid. Instead of waiting for the world to forgive you, for the world to see you, remember that all you have is yourself…so she better pick you up and say “It’s okay. I see you, and I’ve got you”.

You want something? Go and get it.

Many of us have that friend who complains about their life. You’ll hear them say “I wish I had more money. I wish I was living in a different city. If only I had more friends. I hate my job.” I usually tell that friend after a couple of times, to either do something about it or be quiet. Be the person that people can define as true “go-getters”. If you don’t like something, sweetie, change it!

Your mental health is #1

To the incredible women in my life who inspire me to better myself, everyday…thank you for not only killing it at your jobs but primarily, teaching me that no one is immune to the consequences of poor working environments leading to mental and health problems. 

I didn’t know how bad it was out there until I spoke to the women in my life – my age – who I saw as smarter, more rational, kinder, possessing greater emotional intelligence. As I shared my experiences and breaking points, they revealed theirs, and people…let me tell you, the corporate world is tough, especially for women. Put your mental health first. If you have to take a day off, take it. If you’ve pushed through and you foresee risks to your physical and emotional wellbeing, arm yourself today by tactically pushing back, and planning for your next move.

What are your values? Know them. Learn them. Practice them.

I was blessed with amazing parents. We talked about values, right and wrong, almost every day at the dinner table. As my sister and I poured our feelings, described what was going on with our friends, our dreams, and obstacles, we learned to understand the values being passed on to us. What was important to us. What our principles were and their significance.

When you’re in your 20s, life is going to come at you. You will be placed in situations of fight or flight. You will have people impose their values on you. Their world views on you. You will have to be strong and understand where your values lie and the best way to be prepared is to know what they are.

Companies will talk about their values when they interview you. You usually have to memorize a few…It’s crazy to think we know our companies’ values more than we can recite our own.

IG Version

Ladies, ladies, ladies.

The world is opening up to you but you still have it much harder. And chances are you 20’s are going to be a roller coaster. No wonder #13goingon30 is about being 30! #imissedthat

Oddly enough, the toughest headaches I’ve faced this year from a business standpoint have been because of women. The lesson there is women need to help women. There’s enough room for us all!

If you see a woman who’s better looking, smarter, kinder, younger, or simply better than you…make her your friend and learn from her. Help her. Trust me, you’ll become better yourself. Don’t compete. Compete with the #bois, haha. Better yet – compete with yourself. If you’re insecure about something, treat that wound.


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