NYC vs. Toronto ft. Steph & Den | Working from Home During COVID-19

What WFH life is like in New York City and Toronto with Steph & Den

Steph & Den, who both work in the world of management consulting, live in Toronto. We thought it’d be pretty interesting to compare our working from home styles but do a city view. I’m in New York City, where you know COVID has been hit the hardest - the current epicenter of the world. While in corporate VC, I take you to view the day in the life of my WFH space, while also having you peak into Steph & Den’s!

Watch the YouTube video on COVID-19 / WFH life

New York vs. Toronto

You may have seen Steph & Den's incredible video on what it's been like for us to work from home during a pandemic. Today, I'm sharing what I've been up to, how I've been coping in New York (the epicenter of the pandemic...) and welcoming Steph & Den who share with us their day in Toronto. I've filmed a couple of these already, and thought to remind you of the ups and downs of the #nycshutdown. While it hasn't been easy, it's been lovely to feel connected to friends and consulting professionals, Steph & Den, who share their WFH day in the life in Canada's busiest city.

Steph & Den share their opinions and expertise on how to navigate career decisions and strategies as young professionals working in the corporate world! If you’re interested in resume, cover letter, interview, and networking tips, as well as current events and insights throughout the working world, stay tuned!


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A Day In the Life: Working from Home in NYC During COVID-19